“1st TSP-Newton Fund Titanium Alloys Webinar”
Webinar: Novel titanium alloys and their near-net-shape manufacturing techniques for biomedical applications
Organised by: MTEC, NSTDA
Supported by: Newton Fund and Program Management Unit for Competitiveness (PMUC)
Webinar details
Date: Wednesday 6 July 2022
Time: 8.30-10.10 AM (GMT+1, UK time)
2.30-4.30 PM (GMT+7, Thai time)
Where: Webex webinar
Please register via the QR code in the poster or link below
Register link: https://meeting-nstda.webex.com/meeting-nstda/j.php?RGID=r0fc1fc0093ccee30958361732a320493
What you’ll learn
Alloys-by-design: A low-modulus titanium alloy for additively manufactured biomedical implants
Metal injection moulding and metal material extrusion additive manufacturing of titanium alloys
Progresses in 3D printing of titanium and other metals from metallurgical and biomedical engineering viewpoints
About our honorary speaker:
Ms. Cordelia Burch
Engineering X-programmes, Royal Acedemy of Engineering
Professor Roger C Reed
Professor of Materials and Engineering Science, University of Oxford
Dr. Anchalee Manonukul
National Metal and Materials, Technology Center (MTEC)
Assoc. Prof. Boonrat Lohwongwatana
Faculty of Engineering. Chulalongkorn University
For further information please contact
Mr. Peerapong Pinwanich,
Human Resources Development for Materials Technology Section,
National Metal and Materials Technology Center (MTEC)
We are looking forward to meeting you there 🙂